Southend Mosque

Exams policy

Southend Mosque School Examination Policy

Purpose of Policy

The purpose of this exams policy is:

  • to ensure the planning and management of exams is conducted efficiently and in the best interests of students;
  • to ensure the operation of an efficient exams system with clear guidelines for all relevant staff.

It is the responsibility of everyone involved in the centre’s exam processes to read, understand and implement this policy.

The exams policy will be reviewed every 2 years.

The exams policy will be reviewed by the head of the Southend Mosque School and the centre.

Exam Responsibilities

The Head of Education:

  • has overall responsibility for the madrassah as an exams centre and advises on appeals and re-marks.

Exams officer[1]:

  • manages the administration of local exams and national UKIM exams.
  • advises the education committee, teachers, and other relevant support staff on annual exams timetables and procedures as set by the UKIM National Education Team.
  • oversees the distribution of an annual calendar of exams in which candidates will be involved and communicates regularly with staff concerning deadlines and events.
  • ensures that students and their parents are informed of and understand those aspects of the exams timetable that will affect them.
  • checks with teaching staff that the necessary preparation and coursework is on track.
  • maintains systems and processes to support the timely entry of candidates for their exams.
  • receives, checks and stores securely all exam papers and completed scripts and ensures that scripts are dispatched as per UKIM National Education Team guidelines.
  • identifies and manages exam timetable clashes.
  • accounts for income and expenditures relating to all exam costs/charges.
  • Works alongside the invigilator responsible for the conduct of exams.
  • ensures candidates’ papers/marks are submitted, and any other material required by the UKIM National Education Team correctly and on schedule.
  • arranges for dissemination of exam results and certificates to candidate

 Head teachers are responsible for:

  • guidance and pastoral oversight of candidate
  • accurate completion of entry and all other mark sheets and adherence to deadlines as set by the exams officer.
  • accurate completion of coursework / controlled assessment mark sheets and declaration sheets.
  • decisions on post-results procedures.

Teachers are responsible for:

  • supplying information on entries, coursework as required by the head of department and/or exams officer.

The special educational needs coordinator (SENCo)/specialist teacher  is responsible for:

  • identification and testing of candidates’ requirements for access arrangements and notifying the exams officer in good time so that they are able to put in place exam day arrangements
  • process any necessary applications in order to gain approval (if required).
  • working with the exams officer to provide the access arrangements required by candidates in exams rooms.

Lead invigilator/invigilators are responsible for:

  • assisting the exams officer in the efficient running of exams according to UKIM National Education Team requirements.
  • collection of exam papers and other material from the exams office before the start of the exam.
  • collection of all exam papers in the correct order at the end of the exam and ensuring their return to the exams office.

Candidates are responsible for:

  • confirmation and signing of entries.
  • understanding coursework / controlled assessment regulations and signing a declaration that authenticates the coursework as their own.
  • ensuring they conduct themselves in all exams according to the UKIM National Education Team regulations.
Exam series

Internal exams (mock or trial exams) and assessments are scheduled at the end of each term.

National exams and assessments are scheduled at the end of each academic year in July.

Internal exams are not held under full National exam conditions.

The head of the centre decides which exam series are used in the centre. 

Exam timetables

Once confirmed, the exams officer will circulate the exam timetables for internal and national exams at a specified date before each series begins.

Entries, entry details and late entries

Candidates or parents/carers can request a subject entry, change of level or withdrawal.

The centre does currently accept entries from private candidates.

Entry deadlines are circulated to heads of department/curriculum via email, noticeboard, briefing meetings, letters, website.

Entries and amendments made after an awarding organisation’s deadline (i.e. late) require the authorisation, in writing, of head of the centre.

Re-sit decisions will be made by head of the school in consultation with the head teacher.

Exam fees

All entry exam fees are paid by the candidates.

Late entry or amendment fees are paid by the candidates.

Fee reimbursements are sought from candidates:

  • if they fail to sit an exam
  • if they do not meet the necessary coursework requirements without medical evidence or evidence of other mitigating circumstances

Re-sit fees are paid by the candidates

Equality Legislation

All madrassah staff must ensure that they meet the requirements of any equality legislation.

The centre will comply with the legislation, including making reasonable adjustments to the service that that they provide to candidates. This is the responsibility of the examination officer.

Access arrangements

The SENCo/specialist teacher will inform subject teachers of candidates with special educational needs and any special arrangements that individual candidates will need during the course and in any assessments/exams.

A candidate’s access arrangements requirement is determined by the examination officer.

Ensuring there is appropriate evidence for a candidate’s access arrangement is the responsibility of examination officer.

Submitting completed access arrangement applications to the awarding bodies is the responsibility of the examination officer.

Rooming for access arrangement candidates will be arranged by the examination officer.

Managing invigilators

UKIM members/associates will be used to invigilate examinations wherever possible.

Recruitment of invigilators is the responsibility of the head of the centre and UKIM National Education Team.

Securing the necessary Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) clearance for new invigilators is the responsibility of the head of the centre.

DBS fees for securing such clearance are paid by the centre.

Invigilators’ rates of pay are set by the UKIM National Education Team.

Invigilators are recruited, timetabled, trained, and briefed by the examination officer and UKIM National Education Team. .


The head of centre in consultation with invigilator  is responsible for investigating suspected malpractice.

Exam days

The exams officer will book all exam rooms after liaison with other users and make the question papers, other exam stationery and materials available for the invigilator.

Site management staff is responsible for setting up the allocated rooms, and will be advised of requirements 1 month in advance.

The invigilators will start and finish all exams in accordance with UKIM National Education Team guidelines.

Subject staff may be present at the start of the exam to assist with identification of candidates. Any staff present must be in accordance with the rules defined by the UKIM National Education Team concerning who is allowed in the exam room and what they can do.

In practical exams, subject teachers’ availability will be in accordance with UKIM National Education Team guidelines.

Exam papers must not be read by subject teachers or removed from the exam room before the end of a session. Papers will be distributed to heads of department in accordance with UKIM National Education Team’s recommendations and no later than 1  hours after candidates have completed them.

After an exam, the exams officer will arrange for the safe dispatch of completed examination scripts to awarding bodies, working in conjunction with section heads.


The exams officer will provide written information to candidates in advance of each exam series. A formal briefing session for candidates may be given by the examination officer.

The centre’s published rules on acceptable dress and behaviour apply at all times. Candidates’ personal belongings remain their own responsibility and the centre accepts no liability for their loss or damage.

In an exam room candidates must not have access to items other than those clearly allowed in the instructions on the question paper, the stationery list, or the specification for that subject. This is particularly true of mobile phones and other electronic communication or storage devices with text or digital facilities. Any precluded items must not be taken into an exam room.

Disruptive candidates are dealt with in accordance with UKIM National Education Team guidelines. Candidates are expected to stay for the full exam time at the discretion of the invigilators and examination officer. .

Note: candidates who leave an exam room must be accompanied by an appropriate member of staff at all times.

The examination officer  is responsible for handling late or absent candidates on exam day.

Special consideration

Should a candidate be unable to attend an exam because of illness, suffer bereavement or other trauma, be ill or otherwise disadvantaged or disturbed during an exam, then it is the candidate’s responsibility to alert the centre’s examination officer  to that effect.

The candidate must support any special consideration claim with appropriate evidence within 7 days of the exam.

The exams officer will make a special consideration application to the relevant awarding body within 14 days of the exam.

Internal assessment

It is the duty of heads of department to ensure that all internal assessment is ready for dispatch at the correct time. The exams officer will assist by keeping a record of each dispatch, including the recipient details and the date and time sent.
Marks for all internally assessed work are provided to the exams office by the sectional heads.  The exams officer will inform staff of the date when appeals against internal assessments must be made by. Any appeals will be dealt with in accordance with the centre’s Internal Appeals Procedure (IAP) document.


Candidates will receive individual results slips on results days,

  • in person at the centre and/or
  • by post to their home address – candidates to provide a self-addressed envelope/posted (recorded delivery) and/or
  • collected and signed for

The results slip will not be in the form of a centre produced document.
Arrangements for the centre to be open on results days are made by the head of the centre.
The provision of the necessary staff on results days is the responsibility of the head of the centre.


Candidates will receive their certificates

  • in person at the centre and/or
  • by post to their home address (candidates to provide a self-addressed envelope) and/or
  • posted (recorded delivery) and/or
  • posted (first class) and/or
  • collected and signed for and/or

Certificates can be collected on behalf of a candidate by third parties, provided they have written authority from the candidate to do so, and bring suitable identification with them that confirms who they are.

The centre retains certificates for 3 years. A new certificate will not be issued by an awarding organisation. A transcript of results may be issued if a candidate agrees to pay the costs incurred.

Appendix A
 General rolesAccess arrangements / special consideration rolesInvigilator / invigilation / malpractice roles
 Possible role options for inclusion in policy (select as many as required)·       Head of centre·       Deputy Head teacher·       Deputy head·       Heads of faculty·       Heads of subject·       Heads of department·       Heads of curriculum·       Head of key stage·       Senior leadership team·       Exams officer·       SENCO·       Subject teachers·       Governors·       Trustees·       Candidate·       Parent/carers·       Other (please specify) ·       SENCo·       ALS manager·       Doctor·       Pastoral teacher·       Educational psychologist·       Specialist teacher·       Exams officer·       Other (please specify)·       Exams officer·       Centre administration·       Support staff·       Senior leaders·       External staff·       Agency employees·       Head of centre·       Senior leadership team·       Senior Invigilator·       Invigilator·       Other (please specify)

[1] This is the individual to whom the Head of Centre has delegated responsibility for the administration of exams in their centre.
